Understanding the “Employment History” Section in Part 2 of the I-130 Form


The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) form I-130 is a crucial document in the immigration process. It’s specifically designed for U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents to establish the qualifying relationship between them and their foreign national relatives. One of the essential sections of this form is the “Employment History,” found on page 4.

Why is Employment History Important in the I-130 Form?

Accurate and comprehensive employment history is essential in the immigration application process. USCIS uses this information to assess the petitioner’s financial ability to support the foreign national relative they wish to sponsor. By examining an individual’s employment history, USCIS can better understand their financial stability and ensure that they have the means to provide for their loved ones.

When filling out the “Employment History” section, it is crucial to remember that any misrepresentation or incomplete information could lead to delays or even denials in the immigration process. Therefore, it is in your best interest to provide truthful, detailed, and well-documented employment history.

The employment history section helps USCIS determine that you, as the petitioner, have the financial capacity to support your family member without requiring government assistance. It also serves as a measure to confirm the legitimacy of your relationship and that the petitioning U.S. citizen or permanent resident can meet the income requirements.

How to Complete the “Employment History” Section



The “Employment History” section on the I-130 form serves as a record of your work and financial stability over the last five years, whether you’ve been employed within or outside the United States. This section is situated on page 4 of the form and must be completed with careful attention to detail.

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Item Number 42: Name of Employer/Company: Provide the name of your current or former employer.
  • Items 43.a to 43.h: Address Details: Enter the full address of your workplace. Include the street number and name, apartment or suite number, city or town, state, ZIP code, province, postal code (if applicable), and country. Ensure the address is complete and accurate.
  • Item Number 44: Your Occupation: Specify your job title or occupation at the given employer.
  • Items 45.a and 45.b: Date of Employment: Indicate the dates you were employed at the given workplace. Use the “Date From” field for your start date (in mm/dd/yyyy format) and select “Present” in the “Date To” field if you are currently employed there.

When you are currently unemployed, ensure that you type or print “Unemployed” in Item Number 42.

Remember that accuracy is of utmost importance in this section. Providing truthful and complete information will not only help you in the immigration process but also expedite your case.

Example: A Fictitious Persona from Mexico

To further illustrate how to complete the “Employment History” section, let’s consider a fictitious example based on a persona from Mexico.

Meet Maria Rodriguez, a Mexican national:

  • Name: Maria Rodriguez

Employment History:

Employer 1

  • Name of Employer/Company: XYZ Corporation
  • 43.a. Street Number and Name: 123 Main Street
  • 43.b. Apt. Ste. Flr: (Left blank as there’s no apartment or floor number)
  • 43.c. City or Town: Mexico City
  • 43.d. State: CDMX
  • 43.e. ZIP Code: 12345
  • 43.f. Province: (Left blank as there’s no province)
  • 43.g. Postal Code: (Left blank as there’s no postal code)
  • 43.h. Country: Mexico
  • Your Occupation: Marketing Manager
  • 45.a. Date From (mm/dd/yyyy): 06/15/2018
  • 45.b. Date To (mm/dd/yyyy): Present


Employer 2

  • Name of Employer/Company: ABC Marketing Services
  • 43.a. Street Number and Name: 456 Elm Avenue
  • 43.b. Apt. Ste. Flr: (Left blank as there’s no apartment or floor number)
  • 43.c. City or Town: Guadalajara
  • 43.d. State: Jalisco
  • 43.e. ZIP Code: 54321
  • 43.f. Province: (Left blank as there’s no province)
  • 43.g. Postal Code: (Left blank as there’s no postal code)
  • 43.h. Country: Mexico
  • Your Occupation: Sales Representative
  • 45.a. Date From (mm/dd/yyyy): 04/10/2016
  • 45.b. Date To (mm/dd/yyyy): 05/31/2018


This fictional persona provides a comprehensive example of how to complete the “Employment History” section accurately, including all the address details. Remember to tailor this information with your actual work history, and Address ensuring that each detail is precise and truthful.

Form Filing Tips

Filing Tips: Go to our Tips for Filing Forms by Mail page for information on how to help ensure we will accept your application.

Filing Tips for Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative

Complete all sections of the form. We will reject the form if these fields are missing:

    • Part 1 – Relationship
    • Part 2 – Information About You
      • Your Full Name
      • Date of Birth
      • Mailing Address
      • Your Marital Information
    • Part 4 – Information About Beneficiary
      • Beneficiary Full Name
      • Date of Birth
      • Beneficiary’s Physical Address
      • Beneficiary’s Marital Information

Don’t forget to sign your form! We will reject any unsigned form.

Completing the “Employment History” section of the I-130 form accurately is a vital step in the immigration application process. By providing truthful and comprehensive information about your work history, you can demonstrate your financial ability to support your foreign national relative and increase your chances of a successful immigration journey. Remember that the key to a successful application is honesty, accuracy, and attention to detail.

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